Jesus Thought So

Jesus Thought So

Am I worth saving? 
Jesus thought so!

Was it worth Jesus dying for me that I might live? 
Jesus thought so!

Was it worth Him being made sin on my behalf that I might become perfectly righteous in the Father's sight?
Jesus thought so!

Worth it to be cast into outer darkness as my sin substitute that I might be made one with God? 
Jesus thought so!

Worth it to be separated from His Father and to know the awful loneliness of that separation that I might know the comfort of the Comforter? 
Jesus thought so!

Worth it to die the death of a common criminal on a shameful cross bearing my reproach? 
Jesus thought so!

Worth it to be condemned to death by a Roman court in order to lift the burden of condemnation from my heart? 
Jesus thought so!

If Jesus thought so, how come sometimes I don't think so? The devil--that’s why! 

If Jesus thought so--I must think so, because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

-- Warren D. Rogers
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